On Sunday, 12th June, Emma Brown will appear as a guest soloist during Evensong at the Hooglandse Kerk in Leiden. She will sing as the soloist in Mendelssohn’s “Hear my Prayer… O for the Wings of a Dove” together with the Leidse Cantorij under director of music, Hans Brons, and with organist Anton Doornhein. The other repertoire in the service includes
Introit: Ubi caritas et amor, Duruflé
Preces and Responses: Alyeward
Canticles: Blair in B minor
Before the service, Anton Doornhein will play Langlais on the Father Willis organ. The voluntary will be Dutch composer Hendrik Andriessen’s Tocatta. This is the last chance to hear the organ in its current state since the second building phase is due to begin on 13th June with the arrival of the double open wood.
The service begins at 17:00. All are welcome.