In 2019, Han-Louis and I recorded a CD of music from and about the First- and Second World Wars. There is a wealth of beautiful music from this era, including love songs, remembrance songs, and songs to raise morale. It is as if the wars, by highlighting the fragility of life and our vulnerabilities as humans, intensified emotions.

We had planned a tour to launch the CD in 2020 which included performances in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, London, and the Edinburgh Festival. Of course, we wanted to promote our work. I also hoped to show that the music and lyrics from different countries express similar emotions: love, grief, pride in one’s culture. At heart, we are the same, even when our countries are in conflict.

Then there came the pandemic, and for two years we worked on other projects, when it was possible, and “Echoes of War” was put aside.

Last weekend we gave a recital in Vaals, a beautiful town in the south of the Netherlands, next to the German and Belgium borders. It was interesting to revisit the repertoire after a few years. Since recording the CD, there has been the uncertainty caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In my personal life, I got married and we have an infant son, and sadly many of our Second World War veteran friends have passed away. All this has changed my perspective on the repertoire. The patriotic songs feel less comfortable. The songs of loss and love are much closer to heart.